Second call 2023 - wit

Second call 2023

2023 Second call results

  • Pre-selection phase:

    Evaluation carried out by a panel of 12 experts. Each application has been evaluated by 3 experts. In this phase, a maximum of 10 applications are pre-selected for each of the four WIT areas, which will move on to the next phase (Selection Phase).

    The score obtained in this phase will only be used to advance to the next phase and will be independent of the score obtained in the second or final selection phase.

  • Selection phase:

    Applicants accessing to the Selection Phase will be required to prepare and submit the following documents:

    1.- Research proposal (the use of template is compulsory).
    2.- Ethics self-assessment (checklist available).

    Through Application form for Selection Phase May 2023, in PDF format.

    Submission period: one month, from May 26 (00:00, UCT+2) to June 26 (23:59, UCT+2).

  • Final resolution for the award of the 8 WIT-Cofund predoctoral fellowships, 2023 call. INAL:
    • Resolution 1021E/2023 (publication date: 28.09.2023). This resolution confirms entirely the proposal published on 11.09.2023 (english version available).
    • Resolution 1058E/2023 (publication date: 13.11.2023). Supplementary award of the WIT predoctoral fellowship due to a resignation.

Guide for applicants

Information with the requirements of the call, evaluation criteria, selection process and how to complete the online application form. You should read this information before sending your application. This will ensure that you are doing it properly.
