Sara Lorenzoni, WIT ESR in the area of Health, presented a poster at the Congressus Pharmaceuticus Hungaricus XVII & EUFEPS Annual Meeting 2024, which took place on 23-25 May 2024, in the Hungarian city of Debrecen - wit

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Sara Lorenzoni, WIT ESR in the area of Health, presented a poster at the Congressus Pharmaceuticus Hungaricus XVII & EUFEPS Annual Meeting 2024, which took place on 23-25 May 2024, in the Hungarian city of Debrecen

Sara Lorenzoni continues making progress in her PhD research and dissemination activities. She presented a poster entitled 'RGD Peptide nanoparticles as Targeting Agent for Neuroblastoma' at the Congressus Pharmaceuticus Hungaricus XVII and the Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Sciences (EUFEPS), which took place in Debrecen (Hungary) on 23-25 of May, 2024. This work is part of the research work of the thesis she is doing in the field of Nanomedicine under the supervision of Dr. María Blanco-Prieto (Faculty of Pharmacy and Nutrition of the University of Navarra).

Under the slogan of 'Tradition and Innovation in Pharmaceutical Sciences', this annual event brings a platform for pharmacists and researcher engaged in the pharamaceutical sciences worlwide for the discussion of significant issues in the research, development, regulation and therapeutic use of medicines.

Sara's thesis, through research and experimentation in the promising field of Nanomedicine, focuses on the development of alternative treatment pathways for neuroblastoma, an aggressive cancer that affects the nervous system in infants. The aim of her thesis is to cure and reduce the long-term side effects due to other traditional treatments such as high-dose chemotherapy. Nanotechnology offers the potential for direct targeting of tumors and the tumor mircroenvironment, thus reducing side effects and providing treatments that not only cure but also improve the quality of life and the future of patients with these serious diseases.