Deborah Liguori presents her doctoral progress in magnetism related events - wit
News and Events
November has been a productive month for our WIT researcher Deborah Liguori. She has attended two events organized by the Spanish Club of Magnetism (CEMAG) in collaboration with other entities.
The first participation was in the University of Cantabria, in the framework of the 8th Young Researchers in Magnetism (YRinM2024) conference held in Santander, Spain, where Deborah had the opportunity to perform an oral presentation entitled “Exploring the High Magnetic Anisotropy of Cobalt-Ferrite Nanoparticles: Influence of Cation Composition“. The YRinM conference, specifically designed for budding researchers in the field of magnetism, provided a dynamic platform for Deborah to share her work and connect with peers from across the globe. As part of the larger annual meeting of the CEMAG and the IEEE Magnetic Society, the conference fostered collaboration and knowledge exchange among the new generation of researchers on magnetism.
And at the end of November, she attended another workshop focused on magnetism and magnetic materials, held in Sevilla (Spain). The approach of this 2024 Workshop in Magnetism was “Current Research in Magnetism and Magnetic Materials: from fundamentals to applications”. Geared towards PhD students and young postdoctoral researchers like herself, the event provided a platform for students to delve into the latest research trends. The workshop featured insightful lectures from renowned international speakers, interactive poster sessions – where Deborah presented her own research “Tailoring Magnetic Anisotropy in Cobalt-Ferrite Nanoparticles” – and stimulating roundtable discussions on career prospects, industry opportunities, open science practices, and publishing ethics. Adding a practical dimension to the learning experience, hands-on sessions covered diverse topics such as micromagnetic simulations, magnetic circuit design, and data acquisition from portable magnetic sensors.
Good work Deborah!! Keep making progress!!