Publication of the last complementary resolution that ends the process of awarding the 16 WIT ESRs' predoctoral positions - wit
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Publication of the last complementary resolution that ends the process of awarding the 16 WIT ESRs' predoctoral positions
With the publication of the Resolution 131E/2024 the last predoctoral contract of WIT has been awarded. This PhD position has been filled by Sergio Isola, Italian, who will carry out his thesis project in gene therapy within the supervision of Dr. Gloria González Aseguinolaza.
Therefore, WIT has completed the selection and incoming process of candidates for the 16 predoctoral contracts offered in the two performed calls (2022 and 2023). The 16 positions have been filled and all of the recruited researchers are already working in their projects, in the corresponding research groups of the WIT hosting universities: Public University of Navarra and University of Navarra.
You can get more details about the wit esr and their projects in the PhD Student section. As you can see, they have come from countries all around the world, as Ecuador, Brazil, Iran, India, Morocco, Pakistan, Italy, Colombia and Spain-Navarra. 5 of the ESRs are working in the area of Energy, 5 in the area of Health, 5 more in the area of Automotive, Mechatronic & Advanced Manufacture, and 1 ESR is in the area of Artificial Inteligence.