The first edition of the 'Doctoral GPS' course taught by Dr. Sara Manzano has come to an end after weeks of intense work and an inspiring masterclass given by Dr. Fernando Mateos-González - wit

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The first edition of the 'Doctoral GPS' course taught by Dr. Sara Manzano has come to an end after weeks of intense work and an inspiring masterclass given by Dr. Fernando Mateos-González

The course 'Doctoral GPS. Mentored path to success: Career guidance and development for Early-Stage Reseachers' has concluded after weeks of intense personal work of each participant under the supervision and guidance of Dr. Sara Manzano, founder of Mentes Innovadoras.

Through individualized tutoring, this course has worked on how to approach and face the challenges we find in our PhD journey. Learning more about ourselves to make better decisions, and having strategies that help us to live this stage easier, and to maximize the results of research and future opportunities. How to design the best career plan according to our interests, strengths, weakness..., how to build a network of contacts, how to prepare our public presentations, how to face the writing of the thesis and its defense, how to plan our future... are some of the critical moments that we live in this stage and are deependly analyzed in 'Doctoral GPS'. A very complete course, with a strategic planning and very useful tools to develop our career in a more successful way, both in the academic world and in the industry or R&D.

As a inspiring closure of the 1st edition of this course, Sara invited Dr. Fernando Mateos-González, biologist, expeditionary and science communicator, with a very interesting and complete career. With this background and the honesty of what he has lived, he shared with the attendants his life experience, both during his PhD and the following years in which he is engaged in several research projects and challenging activities. Really interesting experiencies, and a lot to learn from!!

Definitely, a highly recommended training for all those young researchers who are at this stage, to help them in the challenges of the present and focus them in a brighter future. The second edition will be  carried out in February 2025.