Wit Nazioarteko doktoradutza programa aurkeztu da

Wit International Doctorate programme for talent attraction is launched

Europa Batasunak finantzatzen du, Horizonte 2020 Programa– Marie Sklodowska Curie ekintzen barruan. Nafarroako Gobernuak, Unibertsitatea, Berrikuntza eta Eraldaketa Digitaleko Departamentuaren bidez bultzatzen du proiektu hau, apustu irmoa Berrikuntzaren Nafarroako Sistema Europan kokatze aldera.


Cofunded by the EU as part of the H2020-Marie Sklodowska Curie Action Cofund, the Government of Navarre and the Department of University, Innovation and Digital Transformation are promoting this project, which represents a firm commitment to position the Navarre Innovation System in Europe.