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Ihtesham Khan 'IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and ITNC-USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting' ekitaldian egon da bere lana aurkezteko - wit

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Ihtesham Khan 'IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and ITNC-USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting' ekitaldian egon da bere lana aurkezteko

IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and ITNC-URSU Radio Science Meeting' izeneko kongresuan egon dira Ihtesham Khan eta Iñigo Ederra doktorea, beren ikerketen bi lan aurkezteko. 2024ko kongresua Florentzian izan da, uztailaren 14tik 19ra.

Ihtesham, WIT programaren ikertzaile gaztea, bere tesia egiten ari da NUPeko Antena taldean, Iñigo Ederra doktorearen gidaritzapean. Ihteshamen tesiaren izena 'High-Gain Fabry Perot antennas for THz frequencies' da, eta esteka hori jarraituz informazioa gehiago eskura dezakezu. 

IEEE AP-S/URSI 2024 kongresuan bi aurkezpenen onartua izatea aski ongi islatzen du Ihteshamek egindako lana eta aurrerapena doktoretzaren lehenengo urtean zehar, WIT kontratua eskuratu zuenetik.

Hona hemen Florentzian aurkeztutako lanen azalpen txiki bat:

  • 'A Fabry-Perot Cavity Antenna with a SiGe on-chip Feeder for submm-wave Applications': The use of a Fabry-Perot cavity is proposed to enhance the radiation features of a 130nm BiCMOS SiGe onchip antenna and reach higher directivities. Antennas in this technology aim at providing the necessary means of radiation for the next-generation sub-mm-wave silicon front-end-on-a chip devices, which provide seamless integration with the digital chain and minimize additional losses existing in system in-package configurations. The introduction of a Fabry-Perot cavity can allow these antennas to increase their directivity while reducing the necessary complexity of the arrays, overcoming the limitations of the current technology.
  • 'A Wide Beamwidth Magneto-Electric Dipole Antenna for Wide Beam Scanning Antenna Arrays': A simple and cost-effective configuration to broaden the beamwidths of the patch antenna has been studied. The proposed antenna has been fabricated and tested, veryfying that measurements shows good agreement with the simulations. The proposed antenna can find its application for the increasing the scanning coverage of the patch antenna arrays.

Emaitza baliotsuak eta aplikagarriak ikerketan eta tesi-proiektuan aurrera egiten jarraitzeko. Ihtesham, Iñigo eta Antena taldeko kideak, zorionak!!